
For an identical version of this readme that has the repo’s contents hidden:

This repository houses various Shiny apps I’ve written for regression models typically taught in a MLE/GLM course. Apps will get added as I finish writing and cleaning up the code, so check back from time to time.

By being in a GitHub repo, the apps can be run directly via Binder using the links below. Other than clicking the link and waiting <~60 seconds, there’s nothing additional you need to install or do.

:arrow_right: TL;DR: Click Launch Rstudio Binder to launch an app.

The Apps

Binary DV

Ordinal DV

Nominal DV

Count DV

Duration DV


Technical Notes

Other Apps

There are additional Shiny apps for linear regression models here.

Hat Tips



1: You can also technically load another app from the GitHub repo by modifying your current Binder session. The end of the current app’s URL will be shiny/appName?token=.... Replace appName in the URL with the other app’s name and hit Enter to load.